Apple Halts Development of “Vision Pro 2”

Tech news

Apple has temporarily paused work on a successor to its “Vision Pro” data glasses, according to the business portal “The Information,” which cites a component manufacturer for Apple’s “Mixed-Reality” glasses. The decision marks a significant shift in Apple’s strategy for its augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) product line.

Focus on Affordable Alternative

Instead of continuing with the development of the “Vision Pro 2,” the company plans to focus on creating a less powerful and more affordable version of the device. This new model is aimed at reaching a broader audience by making the technology accessible to more consumers. Apple intends to release this version before the end of the coming year. This move is seen as a strategic effort to compete more effectively in the growing AR/VR market.

Market Response and Demand Issues

Prior to the decision to pause development of the “Vision Pro 2,” market observers and Apple suppliers noted a significant decline in demand for the “Vision Pro.” Various factors contributed to this decrease in interest. Industry analysts believe that the high price point was a major barrier for many potential buyers. The “Vision Pro” was priced at $3,499 in the USA, and it will be available in Europe for 3,999 euros starting in July. This cost is considered prohibitive for the average consumer, limiting the device’s market penetration.

Price Reduction Strategy

To address this issue, Apple is working on a more budget-friendly version of the headset. The price for the upcoming cheaper version is expected to be around $1,500. This pricing strategy aims to make the device more competitive and attractive to a wider range of consumers. For comparison, a base model iPhone Pro Max costs approximately the same amount. By offering a more affordable option, Apple hopes to drive higher sales and adoption rates for its AR/VR technology.

“Vision Pro” Features and Market Introduction

The “Vision Pro” was launched in the USA in February, marking Apple’s significant entry into the AR/VR space. The headset comes with two headbands that allow users to adjust the device to their head shape and size, ensuring a comfortable fit. This feature was designed to enhance user experience and make the device more user-friendly.

Apple introduced the “Vision Pro” to the world last June, showcasing a device that resembles high-tech ski goggles. The headset is equipped with advanced displays that can project digital objects into the real environment, creating a seamless mixed reality experience. This capability allows users to interact with digital content in a more natural and immersive way, blending the virtual and physical worlds.

Industry Impact and Future Prospects

Apple’s decision to shift focus to a more affordable version of its AR/VR headset is likely to influence the broader industry. Competitors in the AR/VR space may also consider adjusting their pricing strategies to remain competitive. Moreover, the move could drive innovation in the development of AR/VR technologies, as companies strive to offer high-quality experiences at lower price points.

The success of the new, budget-friendly version of the “Vision Pro” will be crucial for Apple’s long-term strategy in the AR/VR market. If the device achieves strong sales, it could establish Apple as a dominant player in this emerging field. Additionally, it could pave the way for future innovations and expansions in Apple’s AR/VR product lineup.